Integration [801] - CSA Integration Pack to RedHat Openstack via OO

  • KM01695536
  • 11-Jun-2018
  • 11-Jun-2018


Integration Catalog


CSA Integration Pack to RedHat Openstack via OO - Catalog Id: 801


This integration is delivered as part of an HPE Cloud Service Automation (HPE CSA) Capsule and demonstrates how to integrate CSA with a Red Hat OpenStack private cloud environment.


OpenStack is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists who produce the open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds. OpenStack aims to deliver solutions for all types of clouds by being simple to implement, massively scalable, and feature rich. The technology consists of a series of interrelated projects delivering various components for a cloud infrastructure solution.

This content pack provides persistent block-level storage devices for use with OpenStack compute instances. The block-storage system manages the creation, attachment, and detachment of the block devices to servers. Snapshot management provides powerful functionality for backing up data stored on block storage volumes. Snapshots can be restored or used to create a new block storage volume.



Leading Product:
Cloud Service Automation

Secondary Product:



See the CSA 4.x Documentation Library for the latest versions of all CSA documentation in the 4.x branch. (HPE Passport is required.)

Related CSA 4.50 Documentation:

  • Release Notes
  • Solution and Software Support Matrix
  • Configuration Guide - Linux
  • Configuration Guide - Windows
  • Capsule Installer Guide
  • Troubleshooting Guide

White Papers:

  • Integration with HPE OO (4.0)

Additional HPE software product documentation can be found at

You need to sign-in with HPE Passport credentials or register to use this site. Select Manuals from the Dashboards menu to view all available documents. Use the search and filter function to find documentation, whitepapers, and other information sources.


Support Matrix

Cloud Service Automation
SupportedSupported (see comments)Not Supported

Generated: 6/11/2018 4:49:05 AM