Integration Catalog
This integration between HPE Enterprise Maps (EM) and HPE Project and Portfolio Management Foundation (PPM) allows a user to generate views and reports that show how architecture is aligned with Project, Financial and Demand.
The PPM software is a primary source of financial and project information about applications in the corporation. The HPE EM integration and synchronization with PPM provides useful financial insights into enterprise architecture. HPE EM can generate views showing architecture aligned with demand management, project, and asset management, including financial views from PPM.
After import and synchronize PPM Data, user can view PPM imported data in HPE EM as normal artifacts in the PPM repository and as artifact reports (Projects or Applications). Some PPM data can also be viewed as graphical diagrams such as a Heatmaps Report showing Projects By Cost or Applications by Cost.
User can view imported reports of PPM projects and applications, as well as all imported PPM records as HPE EM Application Component artifacts. In each case, when the user clicks a PPM artifact, they can then click the PPM Link to see the artifact's corresponding asset in the PPM UI.
The PPM data is mapped to EM data, with the same corresponding relationships: PPM assets are mapped to EM Application Component artifacts, PPM projects are mapped to EM Project artifacts. Automatic alignment is configurable, i.e. declare a mapping file to import entities, e.g. assets, asset profile, projects, project profiles, business objectives from PPM to HPE EM. Alignment is measurable and provided as KPIs. Alignment is also supported manual way for wrongly aligned entities. Disconnected entities are presented as list and can create appropriate logical artifact. Those entities can be marked as ignored or rogue.
Leading Product:
Enterprise Maps
Secondary Product:
Project and Portfolio Management Foundation
For the latest versions of all the HPE Enterprise Maps documentation, see the HPE Enterprise Maps Documentation Library.
Additional HPE Software product documentation can be found at
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Support Matrix
Project and Portfolio Management Foundation | ||
Enterprise Maps | ||
Generated: 6/11/2018 4:47:05 AM