Integration [730] - Traceability between Business,Requirements & Architecture (EM - PPM)

  • KM01695420
  • 11-Jun-2018
  • 11-Jun-2018


Integration Catalog


Traceability between Business,Requirements & Architecture (EM - PPM) - Catalog Id: 730


This integration between HPE Enterprise Maps (EM) and HPE Project and Portfolio Management Foundation (PPM) allows Analysts to provide traceability between business demands, requirements and architectural building blocks in order to provide traceability and provide full history of the requirements and projects linked with specific entity or the whole impacted sub-tree.


The PPM data is mapped to EM data and automatic alignment is configurable, i.e. declare a mapping file to import entities, e.g. assets, asset profile, projects, project profiles, business objectives from PPM to HPE EM. Alignment is measurable and provided as KPIs. Alignment is also supported manual way for wrongly aligned entities. Disconnected entities are presented as list and can create appropriate logical artifact. Those entities can be marked as ignored or rogue.
HPE EM provides full history view page which lists the revision history table including revision, date, actor for the selected imported PPM artifact. For e.g., application component (asset), project, goal (business objectives), and so on.
HPE EM Navigator tab provides visual representation of the imported PPM data. Instead of focusing on the details of single artifacts, it helps to understand the structure, impact and dependencies of application component (asset), project, goal (business objectives), etc. It is not only an alternative view but also a navigator that enables the exploration, browsing, and traversing of imported PPM data in a graphical way.



Leading Product:
Enterprise Maps

Secondary Product:
Project and Portfolio Management Foundation



For the latest versions of all the HPE Enterprise Maps documentation, see the HPE Enterprise Maps Documentation Library.
Additional HPE Software product documentation can be found at
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Support Matrix

Project and Portfolio Management Foundation
Enterprise Maps
SupportedSupported (see comments)Not Supported

Generated: 6/11/2018 4:47:01 AM