Integration [368] - UCMDB to UCMDB Synchronization (multiple UCMDB) (UCMDB - UCMDB)

  • KM01695018
  • 11-Jun-2018
  • 11-Jun-2018


Integration Catalog


UCMDB to UCMDB Synchronization (multiple UCMDB) (UCMDB - UCMDB) - Catalog Id: 368


Multiple CMDBs is a solution that allows setting up a multiple number of CMDBs for delegating the workload and responsibility of the solution to the different CMDBs (for example to distribute load, differentiate geographies or different groups in the same organization, enable integrating BSM data with other products, and so on).
For UCMDB 9.x: The CMDBs that are used during integration can all be version 9.x CMDBs or can be split between version 8.0x and version 9.x CMDBs. When you integrate with a version 8.x CMDB, you can do the following:
  • Populate the version 9.x CMDB server with data from version 8.x
  • Push data from a version 9.x CMDB server to a version 8.x server
For UCMDB 10.x: The CMDBs that are used during integration can all be version 10.x CMDBs or can be split between version 9.x and version 10.x CMDBs. When you integrate with a version 9.x CMDB, you can do the following:
  • Populate the version 10.x CMDB server with data from version 9.x
  • Push data from a version 10.x CMDB server to a version 9.x server

For UCMDB 11.0: The CMDBs that are used during integration can all be version 11.0 CMDBs or can be split between version 9.x, 10.X and version 11.0 CMDBs. When you integrate with a version 9.x or 10.X CMDB, you can do the following:

    • Populate the version 11.0 CMDB server with data from version 10.X or 9.x
    • Push data from a version 11.0 CMDB server to a version 10.X or 9.x server


Configuration Management System (CMS)
The CMS is the central CMDB server and is the authority for configuration management in the multiple CMDBs solution. It is responsible for integrating between the different CMDB server instances and other services in the solution, as well as for generating global IDs. Most of the integrations are defined in the CMS, and other CMDBs or services only access the CMS to access the data from these CMDBs or services.
The CMS allows integration with other services using:
  • Population
  • Federation
  • Data Push
  • Data Flow Management Web Service API
  • Soap Web Service

Use Case - Multiple CMDB Deployments: Discovery-CMS Solution
The Discovery-CMS solution enables the division of the workload and Discovery capacity over more than one CMDB.

  • Discovery 1 CMDB
  • Discovery 2 CMDB
  • The central CMDB acting as the CMS

Both Discovery CMDBs are responsible for running different discovery jobs in the domain, and containing all the discovered topology. The CMS populates the node, interface, and IP from both Discovery CMDBs, and federates the node resource CIs (CPU, file system, and printer) from Discovery 1 CMDB. The CMS federates the node resource CIs (OS user, process, and printer) from Discovery 2 CMDB. When a user runs a view that requests these resources on the CMS, they are brought seamlessly using federation.


Leading Product:
Universal CMDB

Secondary Product:
Universal CMDB



Documentation for this integration can be found using the following links:
Note: Documentation for other versions of UCMDB are available from the Software Product Manuals site. Under Dashboards > Manuals, locate the Universal CMDB product, and then search for the relevant version.


Support Matrix

Universal CMDB
Universal CMDB
SupportedSupported (see comments)Not Supported

Generated: 6/11/2018 4:40:10 AM