Integration [242] - DDMI UCMDB federation adapter

  • KM01694924
  • 11-Jun-2018
  • 11-Jun-2018


Integration Catalog


DDMI UCMDB federation adapter - Catalog Id: 242


The Discovery and Dependency Mapping (DDMI) - Universal CMDB (UCMDB) federation adapter is based on a generic database adapter.


The purpose of the DDMI - UCMDB adapter is to replicate data from DDMI into UCMDB according to the TQL configuration. In addition, the DDMI data can be federated to UCMDB.


The business use case is to move configuration data discovered by DDMI into UCMDB. For example, DDMI can feed the configuration data, via UCMDB, into Micro Focus Service Manager (SM) and allow driving incident, change, and problem management processes.


In general, one of the important roles of UCMDB is to move CIs from data providers (for example, discovery tools) to data consumers (for example, SM, AM).


Leading Product:
Universal CMDB

Secondary Product:
Discovery and Dependency Mapping Inventory



Documentation for this integration can be found using the following links:


Support Matrix

Discovery and Dependency Mapping Inventory
Universal CMDB
SupportedSupported (see comments)Not Supported

Generated: 6/11/2018 4:38:42 AM