• KM01660035
  • 11-Jun-2015
  • 11-Jun-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


OLEVERB error while project creation


OLEVERB error while project creation intermittently

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For a large ALM environment with around 1000 projects and with PPT (Project Planning and Tracking) enabled, when this PPT calculation happens for such a huge environment, this error occurs as the DB is overloaded and cant process the new project creation job causing this error.

Lots of data in recycle bin on DB (Oracle) also causes performance issues in ALM and hence this error.


Enable PPT only for projects that require PPT enabled. As this PPT is a resource consuming operation, this should be enabled only for projects that really require them.

To disable it, the checkbox should be unchecked in site adminstrator as below

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Enable Automail only for projects that require automail feature. The mail interval also should be set accordingly

Data in the recycle bin on DB should be deleted if its not required. That affects the performance of the DB