Error when opening workflow editor

  • KM01592257
  • 30-May-2015
  • 30-May-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Error when opening workflow editor for a specific project


Error Message - Exception EOleException in module QCClientUI.ocx at 008F56EF. OLE error FFFFFF9A


If the workflow files are unavailable on the project repository, this error message appears. The workflow related files are placed in "Scripts" folder in repository


1. ALM repository of the project must be checked to see if the files are avaialble
2. If the files are unavailable, the files must be copied from project back up and placed on "Script" folder in repository
3. If the files are unavailable in backup, a new project must be created and the files can be used from that project to be placed on problematic project

Note - Check the administrator guide on how to work with Smart repository in ALM