How to Change the reporting timezone in NA without changing the host operating system's timezone

  • KM01582647
  • 22-May-2015
  • 26-Apr-2021


Network Automation(NA): How to Change the reporting timezone in NA without changing the host operating system's timezone


How to Change the reporting timezone in NA without changing the host operating system's timezone?


By default the TimeZone (TZ) of NA is set by the TZ configured in Java Virtual Machine (JVM). That, by default, is the same as the operating system TZ.

Change the JVM TZ by editing the file:


Add and modify appropriately (Double check if it doesn't exist already) the following line:[EST]

or [GMT+2], [UTC], [CST], [MST] or the time desired [GMT+/- (hour offset)].

Note: Pay particular attention to the numbering of additional lines for JVM. Do not replace the if the line already exists. Find the highest[number] and insert the new line with incrementing the number one greater than the last line number used.

For example: if the last line that exists is  then place the next one.[Any time zone needed]

Then restart the NA services in order for the changes to take effect

/etc/init.d/truecontrol restart