OMi 10.00 IP1 on RHEL 6.6
The certificate server on the DPS doesn't start with /opt/HP/BSM/scripts/run_hpbsm start
$ /opt/OV/bin/ovc
coda OV Performance Core COREXT (14046) Running
opcacta OVO Action Agent AGENT,EA (14018) Running
opcmsga OVO Message Agent AGENT,EA (14030) Running
ovbbccb OV Communication Broker CORE (13883) Running
ovcd OV Control CORE (13875) Running
ovconfd OV Config and Deploy COREXT (13902) Running
ovcs OV Certificate Server SERVER (15668) Stopped
It has to be started manually with:
$ /opt/OV/bin/ovc -start ovcs
/var/opt/OV/log/System.txt doesn't provide any hints.
It is known problem and there is already a CR (Change Request) to fix it: QCCR8D38219
In the meantime, there is an easy workaround that consists in adding an instruction to the /opt/HP/BSM/scripts/run_hpbsm script within the start() function.
Below are the needed steps to apply:
a. Login to the OMi DPS
b. Make the script writable with
chmod +w /opt/HP/BSM/scripts/run_hpbsm
c. Edit the script with
vi /opt/HP/BSM/scripts/run_hpbsm
d. Scroll down till the start() function begins and change it from
Asynchronously starting OMi via nanny
start() {
if [ "1" = "$GW_DEPLOYMENT" ]; then
echo starting Apache web server...
ulimit -n 8192;
echo Starting HP OMi...
cd ${TOPAZ_HOME}/scripts
./run_nanny_as_nobody start >> $BSMPRODUCT_HOME/log/hpbsm_start.log &
echo "Please check the Status page at file://$BSMPRODUCT_HOME/tools/bsmstatus/ to verify OMi is ready."file://$BSMPRODUCT_HOME/tools/bsmstatus/ to verify OMi is ready."
start() {
if [ "1" = "$GW_DEPLOYMENT" ]; then
echo starting Apache web server...
ulimit -n 8192;
echo Starting HP OMi...
/opt/OV/bin/ovc -start
cd ${TOPAZ_HOME}/scripts
./run_nanny_as_nobody start >> $BSMPRODUCT_HOME/log/hpbsm_start.log &
echo "Please check the Status page at
e. Esc the edit mode and save the script.
f. Restart OMi with /opt/HP/BSM/scripts/run_hpbsm start