If you get a lot of errors in the error.log regarding a view that is not found, check the name for special characters.
If you get an error message that looks similar to this, check to see if the view name has special characters in it:
ERROR - Failed to process request 'com.hp.ucmdb.api.client.view.ExecuteView2'
[ErrorCode [2000] Requested view was not found in the CMDB.{Control Room 360}
CMDB Operation Internal Error: class com.mercury.topaz.cmdb.shared.base.CmdbException : View by name "Control Room 360" was not found in the CMDB.
Caused by: com.mercury.topaz.cmdb.shared.base.CmdbException: [ErrorCode [2000] Requested view was not found in the CMDB.{Control Room 360}]
View by name "Control Room 360" was not found in the CMDB.
The issue might be caused by a special character in the view that throws the error.
In order to fix this change the name of the view and delete the special characters.