Failed to restore project

  • KM01491798
  • 01-Apr-2015
  • 01-Apr-2015

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Failed to restore project with error non-quoted identifier


Failed to Restore Project; Failed to restore project. Failed to add project '4_0_absuite_test' to the database; Failed to add project '4_0_absuite_test' to the database; Project database name '4_0_absuite_test' will be stored as '4_0_absuite_test'. Stored value cannot be used as non-quoted identifier.;


Issue is reproducible on MS SQL 2008 R2 SP2 with ALM 12.20 


The project was restored in MS SQL DB with the name "4_0_absuite_test". Once the db name was changed to "absuite_db" (removed the number in front), project restored successfully.

Note - This is not reproducible on ALM 11.