Some Text in <> missing after upgrading from QC 10 to ALM11.52

  • KM01487577
  • 30-Mar-2015
  • 30-Mar-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


In some situation, the user might found that some text in <> symbol missing in design steps after upgrading from QC 10 to ALM11.5x.


In some situation, the user might found that some text in <> symbol missing in design steps after upgrading from QC 10 to ALM11.5x.
For example:
text in QC 10
'Status' field value as <Status>
Incident number as <Inc>
SSO of 'Assigned To" as <AT>
Text in ALM11.5x
'Status' field value as
Incident number as
SSO of 'Assigned To" as
The reason for the description display issue is caused by the wrong format in database.  We need to correct the Data from DB directly. The following SQL help to fix the design step description. Here is an example:
=======================sql command start===============================
update dessteps d1 set ds_description= '<html><body><div align="left"><font><span style="font-size:8pt">'
||replace(replace( replace(replace((select ds_description from dessteps d2 where d1.ds_id = d2.ds_id ),'&','&'||'amp;'),'>','&'||'gt;' ) ,'<','&'||'lt;'),'"','&'||'quot;' )
where  ds_description not like '<html%';
=======================sql command end  ===============================