Network Node Manager iSPI for MPLS - How to change default databasePort, while using Oracle DB

  • KM01431702
  • 05-Mar-2015
  • 05-Mar-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


During the installation of MPLS, there is no option to change the default port for the Oracle DB. Causing the installation to failed.


When installing the Network Node Manager iSPI for MPLS when configuring for Oracle database. There is now way to change the default database port from 1521 to XXXX.
There is no option provided during installation to configure a different port for the Oracle DB instance for MPLS. It always uses the 1521 by default. And because of this the installation fails as the connection to the DB instance with port 1521 always failed.

To resolve this issue, modify the installation port using the below steps:

1) Start the MPLS SPI installation.

2)After entering the MPLS oracle server name and the instance name information, you will be taken to a page where you will be asked to enter the database user name and password.

3) Before entering anything in the above page, open the file /tmp/ovinstallparams.ini. Here, you modify the "db.port=1521" to "db.port=XXXX'
Save the changes.

4) Then go back to the installation window and continue with installation by entering the db user name and password details.



1. Initially, the customer complained that, there is no option provided during installation to configure a different port for the Oracle DB instance for MPLS. It always uses the 1521 by default. And because of this the installtion fails as the connection to the DB instance with port 1521 always failed.
Then we suggested the customer to modify the port using the below steps:
1) Start the MPLS SPI installation.
1.2)After entering the MPLS oracle server name and the instance name information, you will be taken to a page where you will be asked to enter the database user name and password.
1.3) Before entering anything in the above page, open the file /tmp/ovinstallparams.ini. Here, you modify the "db.port=1521" to "db.port=1571'
Save the changes.
1.4) Then go back to the installation window and continue with instllation by entering the db user name and password details.
2. Then customer reported that, he could get past the port related issue but later found another problem during installation.
The MPLS pre-install script could not be run because it complained about the Perl not being not found at the desired location.
3. I checked the customer box, and found that, there is no directories listed under /opt/OV. This means that NNMi is not installed on the box.Basically, the problem was, the customer was trying to install MPLS as a standalone application which can never be done.
4. Then I checked with the customer why they tried installing MPLS as a standalone server when we explicitely mention that, NNMi needs to be installed on the server before you start installing the NNMi spi for MPLS.
He then showed me a section in the MPLS support matrix where we use few terminologies to differentiate between a MPLS standalone box and a GNM environment . The customer misunderstood this and landed up in this problem.
Then I guided them to follow the MPLS installation guide instead of the support matrix to install the product.