This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
If reboot Windows 2008 OS without using 'ovstop' command to stop NNM, then NNM will not be able to clear
temporary files which located in %NnmDataDir%nmsas\NNM\tmp and if repeatedly reboot Windows 2008 OS
with never run 'ovstop' command to stop NNM before DO reboot OS, then the 'tmp' directory size will be significantly
increased even twice than before size.
Windows Server 2008:
— %NnmInstallDir%: <drive>\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP BTO Software
— %NnmDataDir%: <drive>\ProgramData\HP\HP BTO Software
The temporary files would be cleared automatically only after running 'ovstop' command.
So formally we can tell the customer to run 'ovstop' to stop NNM before reboot OS.
But it's a defact for NNM product, I have submitted a CR QCIM1B130985.