Error upon opening RTSM->Modelling Studio using a load balancer URL

  • KM01157554
  • 10-Sep-2014
  • 10-Sep-2014


RTSM->Modelling Studio using load balancer URL problem


An error appears while opening RTSM->Modelling Studio using a load balancer URL.

The RTSM  ->Modelling studio is accessible using physical IP's of boths gateway servers.

The error is :

Invocation of method [public abstract java.util.List,com.hp.ucmdb.ui.ui_backend.model.folders.UIResourceType ".


The Load Balancer URL must be set in the value for "Frontend URL" setting (Infrastructure Settings, Foundation = RTSM)


That was the case, but the main issue was within the load balancer configuration settings. It was set to "cookie based sticky session" for user access.

The configuration needs to be set to IP based sticky session.