An invalid link on the topic “How to Enable the UFT Agent for Google Chrome” in "HP Unified Functional Testing Add-ins Guide"

  • KM01112489
  • 19-Aug-2014
  • 19-Aug-2014


In "HP Unified Functional Testing Add-ins Guide", there is a invalid link on the topic “How to Enable the UFT Agent for Google Chrome”.


In "HP Unified Functional Testing Add-ins Guide", there is a invalid link on the topic “How to Enable the UFT Agent for Google Chrome”.


In UFT12.01 release, the document on the topic “How to Enable the UFT Agent for Google Chrome” include one incorrect link.

The error can be found in "HP Unified Functional Testing Add-ins Guide" -> "Part 18 Web Add-in" -> "Chapter 33 Web Add-in" - Testing and Configuration" -> "Tasks" -> "How to Enable the HP Unified Functional Testing Agent Chrome Extension" (on Page 534 of "HP Unified Functional Testing Add-ins Guide.pdf", English version.) The document can be found under <UFT installation folder>\help

On this page, the link for manually install and enable the extension in web store is:, which is incorrect

The correct link should be: