Flight GUI sample application does not allow more than 30 orders to be inserted

  • KM01061426
  • 23-Jul-2014
  • 23-Jul-2014


When running a test to insert orders on the Flight GUI sample application shipped with UFT 12.x, it won't allow more than 30 orders to be inserted during the run. The same sample application works for UFT 11.53, copying the content from \samples\flight\app to equivalent folder for UFT 12.x will allow the sample flight application to work correctly.


When running a test to insert orders on the Flight GUI sample application shipped with UFT 12.x, it won't allow more than 30 orders and will show error: Fractional Truncation (null) with further details about the error as seen on the below image.

image text


This application is accessed by shortcut installed within the product: All Programs then HP Software then HP Unified Functional Testing then Sample Applications then Flight GUI, is located under <UFT 11.5x install folder>\samples\flight\app


Cause of the issue is unknown so far and is under investigation at the moment.


The same sample application works in UFT 11.53 as expected so the workaround is to copy the content from <UFT 11.53 install folder>\samples\flight\app to equivalent folder for UFT 12.x. Please note that copying and replacing the \app folder will not work, is its content that needs to be copied over replacing the corresponding files on the destination.

A copy of the content of <UFT 11.53 install folder>\samples\flight\app can be downloaded from this link:

This issue has been reported with our development team already to be improved and fixed for future service pack or product release.