Schedule Maintenance Task record cannot be saved with the error: You must fill in the time of day when this task is to execute

  • KM01060796
  • 23-Jul-2014
  • 23-Jul-2014

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After creating one Schedule Maintenance task record, and fill in all the required fields in all tabs, the record cannot be saved because the validation message keeps showing repeatly: "You must fill in the time of day when this task is to execute"


Schedule Maintenance Task record cannot be saved with the validation message: "You must fill in the time of day when this task is to execute"


This validation message comes from Format Control of form: patcotask. But it contains one bad validation:

In the default format control of patcotask, the second validation is: basis.time in $file<'01/01/50 07:00:00'


It is wrong validation because the current time alway greater than '01/01/50 07:00:00' , so the validation always appears and cannot pass. So to make it right and by pass the validation, should change it to:

basis.time in $file>'01/01/50 07:00:00'

After changed it, save the record and run again, now the Schedule Maintenance task record is saved succesfully.