OMW - WinMgmt error '80041008' when opening nodegroups in the Web Console

  • KM01024494
  • 04-Jul-2014
  • 04-Jul-2014


In OMW (Operations Manager for Windows), it might happen that the "WinMgmt error '80041008'" is received when clicking on one or more node groups in the Web Console


In OMW (Operations Manager for Windows), it might happen that the "WinMgmt error '80041008'" is received when clicking on one or more node groups in the Web Console:


WinMgmt error '80041008'
An external object raised an error. No Error Description Available.
/OVOweb/tree.asp, line 115


The following procedure should solve the issue:

  1. Login to the OMW Management Server
  2. From the command prompt move to the following directory: %OvInstallDir%\Support 
  3. Launch the command below to start the model report:
  4. OvModelValidatorEx -strict -report > C:\temp\validator.txt
  5. Open the C:\temp\validator.txt file and search any references to "ov_nodegroupmember" within the "Dangling Associations" section. Example: 

Dangling Associations: 
   ASSOCIATION: ov_nodegroupmember.groupcomponent="\"{2696d257-2df3-4941-8b08-3700aad15a06}\"",partcomponent="\"\""
   (aog-linux) GroupComponent:"{2696d257-2df3-4941-8b08-3700aad15a06}"
   (missing) PartComponent:""

ASSOCIATION: ov_nodegroupmember.groupcomponent="\"{5d1407ac-76b2-4e69-af56-eeea4dd97fa4}\"",partcomponent="\"\""
   (aom-opc-nodes) GroupComponent:"{5d1407ac-76b2-4e69-af56-eeea4dd97fa4}"
   (missing) PartComponent:""

Above, the affected nodegroup names (aog-linux, aom-opc-nodes) and their IDs ("{2696d257-2df3-4941-8b08-3700aad15a06}, {5d1407ac-76b2-4e69-af56-eeea4dd97fa4}) can be seen. Please notice that the PartComponent field is empty which suggests the issue here.

With this information, in order to delete these dangling associations, we can use either the wbemtest tool (sometimes not successful) or the SQL Management Studio:


  1. On the OMW Management Server open the wbemtest tool (Start -> Run -> wbemtest)
  2. Introduce the namespace "root\hewlettpackard\openview\data"
  3. Run the right queries to find the dangling associations. According to the above example, they should be:
    select * from ov_nodegroupmember where groupcomponent="OV_NodeGroup.Name=\"{2696d257-2df3-4941-8b08-3700aad15a06}\""
    select * from ov_nodegroupmember where groupcomponent="OV_NodeGroup.Name=\"{5d1407ac-76b2-4e69-af56-eeea4dd97fa4}\""
  4. Delete them.


  1. Stop OMW services (vpstat -3 -r disable)
  2. Open the SQL Management Studio console
  3. Search for the affected associations with this query:
  4. SELECT [object_text], [group_component], [part_component] FROM [openview].[dbo].[sto_ov_nodegroupmember] WHERE [part_component] like 'ov_managednode=[%][%]'
  5. delete the dangling associations from the DB 
  6. Restart OMW services (vpstat -3 -r enable)

After having deleted the dangling associations, go to the machines from where the OMW Web Consoles are used and restart the IIS application pool. This will clean the cache.