Url link in an email notification do not open direct to record

  • KM01018778
  • 01-Jul-2014
  • 08-Aug-2014


While using HTML email solution with a URL to the ticket, when clicked on the URL, it opens search record screen of the ticket, not the ticket. The document provides a workaround to the issue.


Service Manager (SM) v9.33 : HTML email solution is used to send out email notifications with a URL to open the related ticket. For example :
But when this url link is clicked in email notification, it opens the page of the search record screen and not open direct to the particular record as expected.


When the URL is clicked, the problem comes from browser as it automatically forces to add "%25" in the URL, and then reaches to SM.
When Developer tools is used to check the changes in URL in Browser:
1. Open a Google Chrome browser
2. Login to the SM system
3. Go to Tools -> developer tools
4. Click Network Tab, click  clear button
5. Enter the url  in the address bar eg:
6. press enter and do not click “continue”
7. Check the url in the network tab, found the URL was redirected by the web server (the return code of http redirected is 302), it turned to be like this:
The apache configuration file httpd.conf present under <InstallDir>\Apache 2.2\conf has a code to the URL redirect and encoding:
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
<IfModule mod_rewrite.so>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ˆhotro.vietinbank.vn$
RewriteRule ˆ/$ /sm/ess.do [R]
(this has been commented)


Comment this line in httpd.conf file :
Eg: #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Restart the Webserver and the issue is resolved.