The deployment of the instrumentation to a SQL server fails with the error "(PMD1248) Failed to deploy the instrumentation file 'dbspierrlogppm.exe'"

  • KM01007575
  • 23-Jun-2014
  • 23-Jun-2014

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


This documents explain how to solve the (PMD1248) error when deploying instrumentation to a SQL server. Operations Manager for Windows OMW 8.10 Operations Manager for Windows OMW 8.16 Operations Manager for Windows OMW 9.00 Smart plug-in for SQL Server 11.xx


When deploying instrumentation to a SQL server the following error may occur:

EventID: 0x00000400 (1024) - (PMD1248) Failed to deploy the instrumentation file 'dbspierrlogppm.exe' to node 'NODE NAME'. The agent API returned the following errors:
(depl-81) Unable to deploy 'dbspierrlogppm.exe' to node 'NODE NAME'.
(depl-400) Message returned from the target node:
(depl-81) Unable to deploy 'dbspierrlogppm.exe' to node 'NODE NAME'.
(xpl-85) open(C:\ProgramData\HP\HP BTO Software\bin\instrumentation\dbspierrlogppm.exe) failed.
(RTL-13) Permission denied


The cause of the error is the fact that the SQL SPI is already running and the distribution can't overwrite the files as they are in used and locked by the respective processes.


To solve this problem the following actions need to be followed:

1. From the MMC console please access the DBSPI tools at:

"Tools -> DB-SPI-> Admin Windows"

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2. After run the tool "Stop Monitoring" against the node where the deployment fails.

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3. Once the tool finishes it should be possible to successfully deploy the instrumentation.
4. After run the tool "Start Monitoring" against the node where the deployment fails.

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