OMW_00178 patch installation fails with "ERROR -2147467259 (OvOWNPReg tool return code)"

  • KM01000195
  • 16-Jun-2014
  • 16-Jun-2014

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


This document explains how to solve the error message ""ERROR -2147467259 (OvOWNPReg tool return code)" during a patch installation. Operations Manager for Windows OMW 8.10 Operations Manager for Windows OMW 8.16 Operations Manager for Windows OMW 9.00


When installing OMW Server patch "OMW_00178" or equivalent patch OMW_00177 the following error message may be displayed:

[Date, Time Start of logging command "C:\Program Files\HP\HP BTO Software\bin\win64\OvOWNPReg.exe" -reg OvOWNPRegCfg.xml -patch OMW_00178 -reinstall ===================================================================
ERROR:    (NPREG3069) Failed to execute method 'Add' of WMI class 'OV_OsType'.
(NPREG3072) Platform registration failed. Performing rollback...
(NPREG3069) Failed to execute method 'Remove' of WMI class 'OV_NodePlatform'.
(NPREG3073) Platform deregistration failed.
[Date, Time] End of logging command "C:\Program Files\HP\HP BTO Software\bin\win64\OvOWNPReg.exe" -reg OvOWNPRegCfg.xml -patch OMW_00178 -reinstall ===================================================================
ERROR -2147217407 (OvOWNPReg tool return code). Patch registration failed!


The root cause of this problem is the fact that "OvStoreProv" component is un-registered replaced and re-registered then the password used by "OvStoreProv" fails to be set correctly.

The outcome is that  "OvStoreProv" can’t start then the service "OvEpMessageActionServer" can’t start either.


The following steps are advisable:

1. Perform a full backup of the Operations Manager for Windows server
2. Run the command:

# ovc –stop

3. Go to services.msc and stop the service with the name: “Window Management Instrumentation”.
4. Please start a command prompt and from the patch file folder OMW_00178.exe type the command:

# OMW_00178 debug

4.1. From the patch dialog, select ...\bin\OVSysConfig.dll and then click “Add BreakPoint” button.

Then click “Go” button. The installation progress will pause right after OvStoreProv.exe is processed

4.2 Go to RUN and type "dcomcnfg"
4.3 Navigate to OvStoreProv

image text

Right click to property -> Identity Tab and then fill in the user name and password (default user name: HP-OVE-User) -> click OK

image text

4.4 Return to patch dialog click go to move on the installation progress.

The patch should install successfully after this steps.