Using an Oracle 2-Tier script with VuGen 11.52 Patch 1 In Data Grids in fields where Oracle server returns string these appear in Grid with "?????????? ????????"

  • KM00964171
  • 30-May-2014
  • 30-May-2014

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Using an Oracle 2-Tier script with VuGen 11.52 Patch 1 Russian characters are not displayed correctly in the Grid. A fix is provided to overcome this issue.


Using an Oracle 2-Tier script with VuGen 11.52 Patch 1 in Data Grids in fields where Oracle server returns string with Russian characters these appear in Grid with "?????????? ????????". Despite of this data display problem the script is successfully replayed.

A Vugen 11.04 recording or replay of the same business process and using Oracle 2-Tier protolcol does not show this problem.



Before the strings to be displayed on the UI they were encoded by ASCII table instead of encoding the string according to system's locale.

Apply the below hotfix:

- Hotfix for LR11.52 Patch 1

Backup the existing copy of the dll within <LR>/bin folder and replace it with the hotfix DLL.