Domain authentication string is resetting automatically

  • KM00962534
  • 29-May-2014
  • 29-May-2014

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


there domain authentication string is resetting automatically , because those users have two account in the LDAP system


Domain authentication string is resetting in HP ALM 11.00 we have users in New Zealand using QC , there domain authentication string is resetting automatically , because those users have two account in the LDAP system for
e.g user Karen Ryberg has got two ids
Rybkaq in ampnz domain
Domain But associated with the same email address We are using AU LDAP server to authenticate , Please let me know is there any setting where we can stop this almost 70 users affected on this issue


Make sure that users does not have the same username, email, fullname, phone
Or delete "LDAP_SEARCH_USER_CRITERIA " parameter if necessary