NNMi (Network Node Manager) Administratros some times do not execute the adequate configuration when implementing seeds, this documents will provide good practices ..
1. If you already have a file that lists the nodes to be discovered, format this information as a seed file and use the nnmloadseeds.ovpl command to import the node list into NNMi.
2.In the seed file, specify IP addresses as a way of influencing the IP address that NNMi chooses as the management address. (If you use hostnames, DNS providesthe IP address for each node.)
3. Good formats for the entries in the seed file are shown here:
IP_address1 # node name
IP_address2, <tenant_UUID_or_tenant_name> # node name
These formats are easy for both NNMi and human readers.
4. For maintenance purposes, it is better to use only one seed file. Add nodes as needed and then rerun the nnmloadseeds.ovpl command. NNMi discovers the new nodes but does not re-evaluate the existing nodes.
5. Removing a node from the seed file does not remove it from the NNMi topology.Delete the node directly in the NNMi console.
6. Deleting a node from a map or inventory view does not delete the seed.
7. If you want NNMi to rediscover a node, delete that node from a map or inventory view and from the Seeds form in the Discovery area of the Configuration workspace in the NNMi console, and the re-enter the node in the NNMi console, or run the nnmloadseeds.ovpl command.
8.For Rule-based discovery only completely configure a discovery rule before you specify a seed for that rule.