Error "Failed initializing plugin 'QC 9 Adapters'" when connect to ALM 11.52

  • KM00944823
  • 23-May-2014
  • 23-May-2014

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Error "failed initializing plugin qc9 adapters" displaying when tried to access QC11.52 URL, QC installation is stopping here. Happening in few machines.


When connecting to ALM server, the user is getting the following error message:
"Failed initilaizing plugin 'QC 9 Adapters' ".

This error happened when connecting to 11.52 server from Windows 7 client machine.

We have tried many KMs but did not work:

  1. Error "Failed initializing plugin 'QC 9 Adapters'" when connect to HP ALM server
  2. Error: "Failed initializing plugin 'QC9 Adapters'"
  3. (QC/ALM) 11 Runtime error 217 at 0942CD07 during login


Customer is using Tectia SSH in his envrionment that does conflict with ALM.


Uninstalling Tectia SSH client fixed this issue.