NNMi patch installation fails on Windows with Unable to place nmsdbsvc.exe

  • KM00940488
  • 21-May-2014
  • 21-May-2014


During the installation of the patch on Windows, it can fail with an error reporting a failure to place the file nmsdbsvc.exe. This document explains what might cause it and how to fix it.


When installing a Network Node Manager - i (NNMi) series patch on Windows, it can fail in the following way. These are seen as pop up errors:

Unable to place patched file into:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP BTP Software\lbin\nmsdbsvc.exe
The original files will be restored and
the patch will exit


Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows
Installer package. A script required for this install to
complete could not be run. Contact your support
personnel or package vendor.




The problem can be caused by starting the patch installation before the process nmsdbsvc.exe has completely stopped.


Before starting the patch installation process, ensure that nmsdbsvc.exe has completely stopped. To do this: 

1. Ensure that it is stopped or if necessary stop the process from Windows Services.

To do this from Windows, access Start - Control Panel, System and Security, Administrative Tools, Services.

The process nmsdbsvc.exe is controlled by:

HP BTO Software NNM Embedded DB Manager

Highlight it, right click and stop as necessary.


2. Ensure the process is not running by accessing Windows Task Manager, and checking to see if  nmsdbsvc.exe is still present. It can be killed as necessary.