NNMi(Network Node Manager) upgrade try to run 'ovstart -c' when iSPIs are also installed on NNMi server

  • KM00890307
  • 06-May-2014
  • 23-May-2014


When NNMI administror runs a NNMi upgrade with iSPIs implemented NNMI will try to start all the iSPI jbosses after upgrade completed.This will cause iSPI procceses try to start with the old version no yet upgraded.


When NNMi is upgraded to 9.20, SPIs still remain at 9.10 level till they are upgraded and ovstart -c tries to start the SPI jbosses which are running on older version with newer NNMi version.This results in lots of exceptions in NNMi logs and also slows down the User Interface performance.


Before doing the  upgrade, Edit the  file $NnmDataDir/shared/nnm/conf/ovsuf, to disable  starting iSPI. This is done by changing the leading '0' in the records for all non NNMi daemon entries to '1'.That will not start the non-NNMi processes, when the upgrade occurs. If the above step was not done prior to upgrade, then should follow the steps given below to recover from this issue Stop NNMi and other iSPIs with ovstop start only NNMi processes by doing:

1.ovstart -c nmsdbmgr
2.ovstart -c ovjboss
3.ovstart -c pmd
4.ovstart -c nnmaction

Default Location:




NnmDataDir=\ProgramData\HP\HP BTO Software

5.Upgradet the iSPI applications  installed.