How to disable NFS use during SA 10 install with a remote Database

  • KM00884415
  • 30-Apr-2014
  • 10-May-2021

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


This document describes how to install SA 10 in a environment where NFS is not allowed


How to disable NFS mount during SA 10 install.


The SA 10 installer requires two extra parameters to make this work: --nomount  and --distro.

As a prerequisite you need to manually mount the install media on core and if you have this setup, on the remote database. The mount point must be the same on all servers.

Another prerequisite is to set TNSADMIN variable on the core and also create tnsnames.ora in /var/opt/oracle and in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin according to the SA documentation

For example if the primary.iso is mounted on /mnt/sa-primary/disk001 then you run the installer with these parameters:

             /mnt/sa-primary/disk001/opsware_installer/ -c /var/tmp/cdf.dc2.xml --nomount --distro_loc=/mnt/sa-primary/disk001