How to install Virtual Table Server (VTS) with LoadRunner 12 Community edition?

  • KM00871377
  • 24-Apr-2014
  • 28-Apr-2014


Provides instructions how to install Virtual Table Server (VTS) using LoadRunner 12 Community edition.


Is Virtual Table Server (VTS) available for installation with LoadRunner 12 Community edition?


Virtual Table Server is included in HP LoadRunner 12 Community Edition ( T7177-15045.exe ) package under Additional Components.

LoadRunner 12 Community Edition is available for download from -> Get LoadRunner now

To install VTS please follow the steps listed below:

  1. Run HP_LoadRunner_12_Community_Edition_T7177-15045.exe
  2. Specify the folder where LoadRunner Set up will extract the installation files
  3. Wait until the files extraction is completed
  4. Run VTS installation file (SetupVTS.exe) located in
    <specifed in point 2 location>\DVD\Additional Components\Virtual Table Server.
  5. Follow the steps in HP LoadRunner VTS Setup