OCMP: OpenCall Media Platform
IVR: Interactive Voice Responder
XML: eXtensible Markup Language
CCXML: Call Control XML
On HP OCMP platform with below scenario, there could be an issue here A-party is unable to hear B-party after bridge operation is done, however B-party able to hear A-party just fine:
1. A-party dial in to IVR consist of OCMP and CCXML/VXML application
2. IVR application creates a VXML dialog (i.e. hold music)
3. IVR perform a "creatcall" CCXML tag to B-party
4. When B-party answers the call, A-pary and B-party gets connected in full duplex mode.
Notes: No CCXML, VXML errors are visible and same application works fine in OCMP 3.2 version
This problem happens due to A-party call leg is still connected full duplex to a VXML dialog and join occurs before the leg is released.
Example of Call Detailed Record (CDR) analysis:
1. A-party calls OCMP (callleg_85680_86383)
<incomingcallinitiated callid="xxx@ocmp1"
from="sip:yyy@" msec="0" to="sip:zzz@;user=phone"/>
2. Dialog prepare, start, started (callleg_85680_86383 connected to dialog vxi_dialog_104_234_89521)
<dialogprepare audioendpoint="callleg_85680_86383"
<event id="vxi_dialog_104_234_89521" msec="72" name="dialog.prepared">
<event id="callleg_85680_86383" msec="119" name="connection.connected">
<dialogstart audioendpoint="callleg_85680_86383"
dialogid="vxi_dialog_104_234_89521" direction="both"/>
<event id="vxi_dialog_104_234_89521" msec="119" name="dialog.started"/>
3. Dialog exit (vxi_dialog_104_234_89521)
<event msec="14311" name="dialog.exit">
4. Another Dialog start, started and createcall to B-party (callleg_85680_86383 connected to dialog vxi_dialog_104_234_89553)
<dialogstart audioendpoint="callleg_85680_86383"
dialogid="vxi_dialog_104_234_89553" direction="both"
src= type="application/voicexml+xml"/>
<createcall callerid="sip:aaa@"
connectionid="callleg_85709_86413" dest="sip:bbb@" timeout="50000ms"/>
<event id="vxi_dialog_104_234_89553" msec="14348" name="dialog.started"/>
5. B-party connected, dialogterminate and join A-party to B-party
<event id="callleg_85709_86413" msec="30518" name="connection.connected">
<transition state="placingCall">
<dialogterminate dialogid="vxi_dialog_104_234_89553" immediate="false"/>
<join duplex="full" id1="callleg_85680_86383" id2="callleg_85709_86413"/>
6. Join happens between callleg_85680_86383 and callleg_85709_86413, however callleg_85680_86383 still connected to vxi_dialog_104_234_89553
<event id1="callleg_85680_86383" id2="callleg_85709_86413" msec="30518" name="conference.joined"/>
7. Dialog exit (vxi_dialog_104_234_89553)
<event msec="30548" name="dialog.exit"/>
Problem happens on sequence #6, as the A-party call leg is still connected (both direction) to dialog vxi_dialog_104_234_89553, and join occurs before the call leg is released.
<join> needs to wait till dialog.exit event occurs i.e. perform join *after*/*inside* dialog.exit event
While why it works on OCMP 3.2 version is very likely caused by the operation of dialog.exit happens before join.