Business rules when changing the Owner Location in TRIM

  • KM00822795
  • 31-Mar-2014
  • 31-Mar-2014

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Further explanantion from the Help file of the business rules TRIM uses to allow Owner Locations to be changed.


The TRIM help file states the following when changing the Owner Location for a record:

"Unless you are a user of user type Administrator, you can only change the Owner Location if you:

* Belong to the Owner Location or

* Have permissions to Update record metadata / Modify Record Access or

* Are within the subordinate hierarchy of the Owner Location

This ensures the integrity of Access Control security."


To explain this further, unless you belong to the Owner Location, I.e. are associated to the Owner Location, or have Record Administration permission you cannot change the Owner Location.

The exception to this is if you have your Location, or a Location you're associated with, specifically added to the access controls on the record with Update Record Metadata / Modify Record Access permission, which will allow the Owner Location to be changed. Having permissions Update Record Metadata / Modify Record Access set to everyone on a record will not work for users who are not apart of the Location or do not have Record Administration permission in their profile. This is protecting the document from allowing just anyone to change the owner.