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DP 8.x Services showed:
CM:/root #omnisv -status
ProcName Status [PID]
crs : Active [864]
mmd : Active [862]
kms : Active [863]
hpdp-idb : Down
hpdp-idb-cp : Down
hpdp-as : Down
omnitrig : Active
Sending of traps disabled.
Status: At least one of the Data Protector processes/services is not running.
Status: At least one of the Data Protector processes/services is not running.
CM:/root #omnisv -start
Cannot start "hpdp-idb" service, system error:
/var/opt/omni/server/db80/pg/pg_hba.conf & /var/opt/omni/server/db80/pg/postgresql.conf
files were missing from the CM system, which were recovered from earlier installation backup.
this helped fixing the issue
If above 2 files couldnt be retrieved, site would have needed entire reinstallation of DP 8.x