Error: C interpreter run time error: Reports.c (36): Error -- memory violation : Exception ACCESS_VIOLATION received.

  • KM00793136
  • 14-Mar-2014
  • 14-Mar-2014


The error appears when a Citrix step, such as ctrx_set_window_ex or ctrx_unset_window, times out and this causes the script to fail unexpectedly instead of showing the time out message.


Action.c(XX): Error: C interpreter run time error: Reports.c (36):  Error -- memory violation : Exception ACCESS_VIOLATION received.


Not having the CTRX_LAST in the parameter list, does not instruct LoadRunner where to close the buffer and this leads to a memory leak.


Make sure to add the CTRX_LAST parameter at the end of the parameters. So, instead of having:

ctrx_unset_window("*Name of the window*");

you should be using:

ctrx_unset_window("*Name of the window*", CTRX_LAST);

The same applies to the ctrx_set_window_ex() functions.

This is a mistake made in the Function Reference that will be fixed for future versions.