DB errors that prevent uCMDB from starting

  • KM00745283
  • 31-Jan-2014
  • 31-Jan-2014

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How to check DB errors that are preventing uCMDB from starting


We had some issues with a customer that ran out of space on the DB transaction log. The error is like this:

ERROR - Error updating JDBC_PING table

java.sql.SQLException: [mercury][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The transaction log for database 'UCMDB' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases


If you have access to the DB or this is a test environment you can do the following:

First you need to check where the log file is and how much available space you have on that drive partition, and if your disk is full and you have no need for the data on the log file (important active transactions to end) you can shrink it. You will need to check with your DBA to achive these steps as this is not an uCMDB issue. He should be the one with access to do these steps as it could have implications. If you have access to SQL Server Management Studio you can go to the UCMDB_Schema db, right click on it -> Tasks -> shrink -> Files. You can check the Currently allocated space and Available free space. The shrinking can also be set here. Also, it would be better to stop the uCMDB process before doing this and start it after the space is free.