Using ALM PC 11.52. One Controller Host CTL1 plus three Load Generator (LG) Hosts are configured as LG19, LG20 and LG 21. All the LG Hosts are added successfully in Lab Management to run over a firewall. The configured MI Listener machine is working correctly and communicates with all three Load Generators via port 443.
Running a loadtest using these Load Generators fails in the Initializing Run... page and the following messages are displayed:
Run test failed. Reason: 'Failed to add host LG19'
Replacing Controller: Failed to replace Controller: CTL1
Run test failed. Reason: 'The following host(s) are Non-Operational or Unavailable: CTL1 (Controller)'
Run 15 (Timeslot ID '1260') changed state from Initializing to Run Failure.
Load Test 'WMS - Over Firewall Test' failed (Run ID 15).
Running System Health shows a similar problem (Failed to add host LG19) reported by the CTL1 Host at the step
Check connectivity between the Controller and load generators.
Checking Lab Resources > Hosts > Status for the LG Hosts shows no problem: a green tick and Operational Status is displayed for LG19, LG20 and LG 21.
The "failed to add host" message indicates a problem for the Controller Host assigned to the Load Test (or being checked in System Health) to use the configured Load Generator(s). Notice in this case the failure is reported on the first of the three LGs (LG 19) configured to run over firewall. Once the first LG failure occurs, the Controller stops the Initialization and also fails.
Checking PC Lab Management > Lab Resources > Locations may show the cause of this problem: the Location Name defined for accessing the Host LGs cannot contain a space character. In this case the Host Location for LG19, LG20 and LG21 was defined as "Park Royal".
Lab Management allows the space in the Location Name and the Host configuration is successful. However, this space character causes an exception to be thrown in the PC Host Controller during the Load Test Initialization or when the LGs are being tested from the Host Controller in System Health.
Changing the Host Location from "Park Royal" to "ParkRoyal" resolved the problem.