Files are not transferred anymore betweenNNMi and NPS

  • KM00651496
  • 14-Nov-2013
  • 14-Nov-2013

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


NPs did not consume the files from the final folder on the traffic interface extension pack. Interface_Traffic.tar.gz


Nov 11, 2013 10:51:15 AM [PID:5944] FATAL C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/HP BTO Software/NNMPerformanceSPI/bin/.etl-runtime.Interface_Traffic.ovpl[3333] ETL.Interface_Traffic Unable to automatically handle DB error: User 'another user' has the row in 'd_Interface_Traffic_Time' locked (DBD: execute failed)
Nov 11, 2013 10:51:15 AM [PID:2216] INFO C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/HP BTO Software/NNMPerformanceSPI/bin/etl.ovpl[58] ETL.Interface_Traffic ETL Process Exited


The error produced by the extension pack (EP) installation after uninstall it and the try to re-install it back again.


1. Restart iSPI
at this point everything should be running except ETL.
2. Check if any iSPI processes is still running and kill them. Java and Perl might be running for some other products.
tasklist | findstr "iqsrv cogboot derby java Main perl"
3. Try to install the EP normally. If it works, install other two EPs. If it fails, continue with the step 4 for the failed EP.
installextensionpack.ovpl  -e "C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP BTO Software\NNMPerformanceSPI\extensionpacks\Interface_Traffic.tar.gz"
4. What fails is creation of DB schema for the EP. Create one with the command below (one line).
"E:/Program Files (x86)/HP/HP BTO Software/nonOV/sybaseiq/IQ-15_2/bin64/dbisql" -nogui -c "DSN=PerfSPIDSN"  -codepage  UTF8  "E:/ProgramData/HP/HP BTO Software/NNMPerf
If the schema creation fails, I would need the error. Also, check if the file dfltCreateSchema.sql  exists and not zero length.
Let us know the exact size of the file (on the disk).
If the step is successful, continue with the next step 5.
5. Install the EP but skip the schema creation ( use  -m option)
installextensionpack.ovpl -m -e "E:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP BTO Software\NNMPerformanceSPI\extensionpacks\Interface_Traffic.tar.gz"
6. Check with about.ovpl if the Interface_Traffic EP has been installed. If yes, repeat the steps 3-4 for other two EPs.