OA 11.x archiving logic

  • KM00639261
  • 06-Nov-2013
  • 06-Nov-2013


archiving logic introduced in OA 11.03


It’s a common scenario to see the following messages on status.scope file after logfile rollover:
**** /opt/perf/bin/scopeux : <timestamp>  ****
ERROR: Unable to read from logfile '/var/opt/perf/datafiles/logxxx' - corrupted data. (PE221-24)
And most of the OA users do not perform backups of the scope log* files, so whenever corruption happens all performance data is lost


With OA 11.03 we have introduced archiving logic:
1. Before performing logfile rollover, we archive logfile to:
   a. logfile_timestamp.tar on all unix
   b. logfile_timestamp on windows platform.
2. If rollover is successful, we remove the archived file.
3. If rollover results in corruption:
    a. remove the corrupted file and start with a fresh logfile
    b. user can use the archive file to extract data.
    c. scope will still be running and starts logging data to the fresh logfile created.