Deploy AssetManagerDoc.war in order to avoid error HTTP Status 404-/AssetManagerDoc/index.htm
HTTP Status 404 - /AssetManagerDoc/index.htm
Installation of Asset Manager Web Tier is not complete and AssetManagerDOC.war needs to be deployed as well.
Installation of Asset Manager Web Tier is not complete and that's why error 'HTTP Status 404 - /AssetManagerDoc/index.htm' appears when Online Help is called.
Verification steps:
1. Make sure the archive file (AssetManager.war) to be deployed has been updated with your custom configurations.
2. Copy the AssetManager.war and AssetManagerDoc.war files from the <Asset Manager installation folder>\webtier\ folder to the webapps sub-folder of the Tomcat installation folder.
If you have deployed the .war files previously, you need to delete the existing .war files and the sub-folder with the same name before copying the .war files to the webapps folder.
The AssetManagerDoc.war file, which is the archive file for Online Help on AM Web, is optional at this step but requested when you would like to apply Online Help
Verification steps:
1. Make sure the archive file (AssetManager.war) to be deployed has been updated with your custom configurations.
2. Copy the AssetManager.war and AssetManagerDoc.war files from the <Asset Manager installation folder>\webtier\ folder to the webapps sub-folder of the Tomcat installation folder.
If you have deployed the .war files previously, you need to delete the existing .war files and the sub-folder with the same name before copying the .war files to the webapps folder.
The AssetManagerDoc.war file, which is the archive file for Online Help on AM Web, is optional at this step but requested when you would like to apply Online Help