Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
To diagnose the issue follow this procedure...
- Right click on the "" file, select Properties
- Click the "Digital Signatures" tab.
- Select the signature listed then click "Details"
- At the bottom of the next window under "Countersignatures" select the signature (not that the name of signer is "Verisign")
- Click Details
- Click View Certificate
- Notice on the "Valid from" that the dates are 6/14/20087 to 6/14/2012 (this is expired)
To fix this issue download the file
Stop the ALM service in Windows
Or if using Unix use the shell: ./ stop
Place the "" in the "Install" folder in the 20qcbin.war deployed to JBoss. Typically this will be in the path...
Windows: <drive>\ProgramData\HP\ALM\jboss\server\default\deploy\20qcbin.war\Install
Unix: /var/opt/ALM/ALM/jboss/server/default/deploy/20qcbin.war/Instal
If using WebLogic or Websphere extract the "qcbin.war" using WinZip and place the "" in the "Install" folder.
Then recompress the extracted files into a new "qcbin.war" using WinZip and deploy to WebLogic or Websphere
Then start ALM, the new signed "" will be successfully installed at the client