OMi creates huge tickets in SM by forwarding all duplicate counter changes

  • KM00608743
  • 15-Oct-2013
  • 18-Feb-2014


applies to BSM <> SM integration


OMi creates huge tickets in SM by forwarding all duplicate counter changes to SM. What can be done to prevent this?


With BSM 9.21 and later version , it is possible to completely disable duplicate count change updates. Just change the following line in sm:ServiceManagerAdapter.groovy :
  private static final Set SyncOPRPropertiesToSMActivityLog = ["title", "description", "state", "severity", "priority",
      "annotation", "duplicate_count", "cause", "symptom", "assigned_user", "assigned_group"]
Remove “duplicate_count” from the list and there won’t be any more activity log updates when the duplicate count changes in the event.
However, when the duplicate count changes sometimes other event properties change, e.g. the title may change or the state/severity may change. Check you Infrastructure settings for Operations Management to see what values are updated from the duplicate. You may need to remove those properties, also from the above list.