Admin login exclusive abilities

  • KM00494454
  • 22-Aug-2013
  • 28-Aug-2013


When Asset Manager is first installed, this is the only login name that enables you to access the Asset Manager database for all administrative operations.


In relation to Asset Manager, what are the things that can only be done by/using the out of the box Admin login that could not be done by another created ID? The created ID would *not* be given full admin rights, i.e., the admin rights box in the profile tab would not be checked. I've found one example that connection slots cannot be deleted by any IDs other than the Admin login.
What are the other things that the Admin login or an ID with full admin rights can do that other IDs cannot do?


The Admin login record

By default, the Departments and Employees table includes an administrator whose Login is "Admin".


When Asset Manager is first installed, this is the only login name that enables you to access the Asset Manager database for all administrative operations.


This login enables you to connect in the event that you cannot connect as an administrator under any other name. For security reasons, this record cannot be destroyed.


Even though the access type for the "Admin" login is "Named", its license is not decremented from the number of authorized named users.


The "Admin" login is the only login that you can use to delete connection slots via the Delete button in the connection slot management screen (Administration/ Connection/ Connection slots menu item).

In this case the manual only mention this action an action Admin unique.


Select this option to grant administration rights for the application to the employee