"Invalid value for registry" error when starting VAPI-XP test on Windows 7 machine

  • KM00463530
  • 26-Jun-2013
  • 01-Jul-2013


This article provides information about what is causing the "Invalid value for registry" error that appears when a VAPI-XP test is started on a Windows 7 machine.


When trying to start a VAPI-XP test on a Windows 7 machine the following error message might appear: "Invalid value for registry". It does not matter if the test is started from Quality Center (QC) 10 or Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) 11.


The issue is caused by the fact that the value of VAPI-XP agent in DCOM settings is corrupted.


In order to solve the issue, the following steps should be performed:

1. Open Start -> Run and start dcomcnfg.exe;
2. In the Component Services window, select Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config;
3. Find the {FCB69899-EC52-4A7A-86DB-3655E9FDBA58} component;
4. Right click the {FCB69899-EC52-4A7A-86DB-3655E9FDBA58} component and select Properties -> Security;
5.Set "Launch and Activation Permissions" and "Access Permissions" from "Customize" to "Use Default" and click Apply. For more information about how the setting should be configured, please check the below screenshot:

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If, after performing the steps above, the error "Invalid value of registry" persists, repeat steps 1-5 above on another component {6A03829E-EC39-4802-A631-3841484EFBE3}

If "Access Denied" or "RPC server not available" errors occur when running VAPI-XP test, the following steps should be taken:

1. Open Start -> Run and start dcomcnfg.exe;
2. In the Component Services window, select Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer;
3. Right click on My Computer and select Properties -> COM Security;
4. Add remote permissions to the "ANONYMOUS LOGON" and the relevent user account under "Access Permissions" and "Launch and Activation Permissions" in all four locations ("Edit Limits" and "Edit Default" under both locations) as per the below screenshot:

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