NNMi iSPI Performance for Traffic - Status of the Leaf Collector resets to "NOTRUNNING"

  • KM00460161
  • 21-Jun-2013
  • 03-Jun-2016


This document describes steps to correct an occurrence where the Traffic SPI Leaf Collectors repeatedly revert to a "NOTRUNNING" state, despite attempts to manually start them.


In the iSPI Performance for Traffic console, on selecting the Traffic Leaf Collector -> Traffic Leaf status shows as NOT RUNNING.

image text


 The Traffic Leaf service tends to stop automatically after being restarted via -


Furthermore, the following entries are logged to the iSPI Traffic Leaf %Leaf_Data_Dir%\log\traffic-leaf\boot.log :

"ERROR [JSSESocketFactory] Failed to load keystore type JKS with path %iSPITrafficLeafDataDir%/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.keystore due to %iSPITrafficLeafDataDir%/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.keystore (The system cannot find the path specified): java.io.FileNotFoundException: %iSPITrafficLeafDataDir%/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.keystore (The system cannot find the path specified)"


Steps to resolve -

1. Verify that the server.xml file exists and reflects the FQDN of the Traffic leaf server.

    Location : %TrafficLeafInstallDir%/nmsas\common\deploy\jbossweb.sar/

2. Verify that the nnm.keystore / nnm.truststore files exist at %iSPI_Traffic_Leaf_Data_Dir%\shared\nnm\certificates or /var/opt/OV/shared/nnm/certificates (on Unix)

3. If these keystore files are either missing or malformed then, before generating the new certificates for the Traffic Leaf, move the contents of %iSPI_Traffic_Leaf_Data_Dir%\shared\nnm\certificates directory to another temp directory location.

    Next, re-generate new certificates using the following commands :

     “%TrafficLeafInstallDir%/nonOV/jdk/nnm/bin/keytool" -genkey -alias <Leaf FQDN>.selfsigned –keyalg rsa -sigalg SHA1withRSA -keysize 2048 -dname cn=<Leaf FQDN> -keypass nnmkeypass -validity 36500 -keystore “%iSPITrafficLeafDataDir%/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.keystore" -storepass nnmkeypass

     “%TrafficLeafInstallDir%/nonOV/jdk/nnm/bin/keytool" -export -file “<DataDir>/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.cert" -keystore “%iSPITrafficLeafDataDir%/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.keystore" -alias <Leaf FQDN>.selfsigned -storepass nnmkeypass

     “%TrafficLeafInstallDir%/nonOV/jdk/nnm/bin/keytool" -importcert -file “<DataDir>/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.cert" -keystore “%iSPITrafficLeafDataDir%/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.truststore" -storepass ovpass -noprompt

4. Stop Traffic Leaf services via %TrafficLeafInstallDir%\traffic-leaf\bin\nmstrafficleafstop.ovpl

5. Next, clear the Traffic Leaf logs under %iSPITrafficLeafDataDir%\log\traffic-leaf\

6. Re-start Traffic Leaf services via %TrafficLeafInstallDir%\traffic-leaf\bin\nmstrafficleafstart.ovpl

7. If the issue still persists, then collect all the log files under %iSPITrafficLeafDataDir%\log\traffic-leaf\ for investigation by HPE Software support.