Product Technical Issue: Verify and Repair issues

  • KM00447931
  • 06-Jun-2013
  • 06-Jun-2013

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Extention version issue when verifying, ALM doesnt find the correct route.


When Verify and Repair tools were run on the project the following error, I see this error in Site Admin: 

VERIFY task on project CT.Proj_web_Angel Failed

D:Documents and settings\All users\ApplicationData\HP\ALM\repository\Sa\DomsInfo\MaintenanceData\SchemaXML\estensions\SPRINTER_EXTENSION_11.00;db_xmimap.xml(The system cannot find the patch specified);


The verify was looking for the folder Sprinter_11.00 , in this case the folder has another name Sprinter_11.0 , for that reason we made a copy of the folder with one more cero and this fix the issue , because the verify found the correct folder.

Another workaround for this is to go in to the project table EXTENTIONS and edit the value from 11.00 to 11.0 . We haven't found a reason for this change but the error is no longer exibit in newert versions (11.52)