How to fix the problem where Universal Discovery (UD) CallHome feature is not working with UD agents ?

  • KM00443705
  • 02-Jun-2013
  • 18-Apr-2018


UD agents installed on remote server failed to send CallHome feature to the UD Probe.


UD agent on remote server fails to send the CallHome event to the probe and it fails with below error message in UD Agent log

<date>: Error: Inconsistent call home configuration, timeout set with no valid URL0 given
<date>: Error: Disabling call home configuration.
<date>: Error: Inconsistent call home configuration,


UD Agent fails to generate CallHome event because configuration  setting  for URL0 missing in discagnt.ini file.

Here is the snap shot of the discagnt.ini file, if agent finds URL0 is empty then it CallHome feature fails with the error mentioned here.


Port= 2738

CallHomeTimeout= 259200

CallHomeURL0=  <IP Address>

CallHomeURL1= <IP Address >

CallHomeURL2= <IP Address >

RunAfterInstall= true


If we make sure that URL0 has got the valid probe IP address , CallHome feature starts functioning.