HP SHR report

  • KM00441301
  • 30-May-2013
  • 30-May-2013

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HP SHR report


Please I need to know If HP SHR SW :

Can Produce reports on Network Devices with its full capability?

Integrate with HP NNM SW?



SHR9.20 has Network content with reports on Network Devices and Interfaces (SHR collects measures pertaining to nodes and interfaces from NNM iSPI Perf for Metrics).

Starting in version 9.20 SHR can provide some high level reports for the network domain. This data is collected from the NNMi Perf SPI. The data is collected with hourly granularity (not lower).

You can find the list of reports that SHR provides in the Handbook of Reports



There is no direct integration with NNMi; however, SHR does collect topology sync data to RtSM by NNMi as well.