Licence model confirmation for APM - PPM

  • KM00441295
  • 30-May-2013
  • 30-May-2013


Licence model confirmation for APM - PPM


I would like to aks a few questions related to PPM-APM licensing model.
1.       APM Licence - foundation Licence - Named User – at least 1 license is  mandatory?
2.       For Survey updates – can be used one of the following licence type according to the licence description?:

·         Application Portfolio Management Casual -Named User

·         Demand Management Power - Named User

·         Demand Management Casual - Named User
If the customer has already Demand Management Power User and Demand Management Casual USer, can update Surveys in APM ? Or is mandatory to aquire Application Portfolio Management Casual -Named User licenses -100 bulk package?


1. Answer: Yes, at least one APM Named User license is required with the APM module.
2. Answer: If you already have enough Demand Mgmt users and you only need the capabilitity to respond to surveys or view dashboards, then you don’t need the APM Casual 100 pack.