How to change the button label of PPM?

  • KM00434855
  • 22-May-2013
  • 22-May-2013


How to change the button label of PPM?


Customer want to change the Korean button label of PPM. How to change the OOTB’s button label?


Most labels are located in “.properties” files under <server_home>\deploy\itg.war\WEB-INF\resources\.
However, directly modifying these labels on PPM Servers is not officially supported by HP, as this can result in breaking PPM UI Layout, and in some rare cases in unpredictable business logic.
Moreover, any change in properties files may be overwritten when installing a new Service Pack or patch, and will have to be re-applied manually.
And please note that all strings in .properties files must  use “java unicode encoded” notation.