ERROR - !!!FAILED!!! DataInBulkOperation com.hp.ucmdb.reconciliation.datain.operation.DataInOperationException: [ErrorCode [110] class model validation error]

  • KM00430065
  • 16-May-2013
  • 16-May-2013


uCMDB error affects BSM operations


 HPBSM DPS>\log\odb\odb\error.log reports the following error:
 [987710503@qtp0-136] ( ERROR - !!!FAILED!!![Operation #1402191101 Name=DataInBulkOperation]
com.hp.ucmdb.reconciliation.datain.operation.DataInOperationException: [ErrorCode [110] class model validation error]
Error while trying to [addOrUpdate] on level [1]! validation error occured, class [hardware_board].  Error in properties type validation :  property's value [(string-firmware_version:????????????????????????????????????????)] has exceeded the size limit of the attribute [attribute: name [firmware_version] type [string] isFactory [true] isUserUpdated [false] size limit [100]]


The above message shows that the problem is with a specific attribute of the CI Type (hardware_board).
This attribute (coming from NNM) has more than 100 characters.


Try the following solution :
   1) Go to the CIT Manager and find the HardwareBoard CIT
  2) Under Attributes find the three attributes, for which the size need to be corrected :
      * HardwareVersion
      * SoftwareVersion
      * FirmwareVersion
   3) For each one of these attributes, click edit and change the Value Size equal to 150 (by default it is 100). If needed it can be increased furthermore, but 150 should be enough.
   4) Save the changes for the three attributes, rerun the job and check again if the error persists.
If possible, it will be good to delete all of the HardwareBoard CIs before re-running the integration.